Weight loss pills are another means to get rid of excess weight. Manufacturers of diet pills promise that taking them, you quickly and easily, without hunger and discomfort will throw extra weight, get rid of cellulite, become slender and flexible.
Diet pills can be divided into several groups:
Meal replacement: They can replace one or more meals, reducing the number of calories consumed. Usually, meal replacement is low-calorie shakes from proteins, vitamins, and amino acids. These preparations contain a certain amount of fiber and substances that reduce appetite and also amino acids, proteins, and vitamins, simulate the normal full-fledged food.
Fat burners
Fat burners are the most popular diet pills, which action is directed to the burning of already deposited fat in the body. This group of preparations for weight loss can be divided into two groups depending on their actions. The first subgroup breaks down fats. Preparations of the second subgroup it fat burners, which is already available in the body.
Diuretics: Diuretics are just getting rid of the fluid and act as a sauna or steam bath: you lose water, but not fat
Preparations for external use, they include a variety of adhesives, soap for weight loss, anti-cellulite gels and creams, massage, and various thermal products, which are applied to certain parts of the body and promote the fat splitting condition of active sports activities.